Friday 26 October 2012

first week of school

First week of School

      I am going to the Whangamata area school. It ends up that I am actually in high school!! The kids here are really nice. The kids had been on vacation while we were in wellington so I was joining at an OK time. One thing was we didn't know what the uniforms were so I didn't start the first day. In the high school, and middle school we had to have all black shoes a white top that says Whangamata area school on it and these navy blue shorts. The shoes were these normal black converse that would be like $20 in the US, but were $90 here!! The stuff here is almost 2x as much. The uniform isn't my favourite but it could be worse. The kids at school are really nice and loved my "accent". I didn't even know I had an accent! In year 9 as they call it, they do a bunch of extra curricular things that are required, for example they do fabric, graphics, art, IT, library, and more! They have 2 breaks, one at 11:00, and one at 1:40, they are both 40 minutes long. School starts at 8:45, and goes til 3:00. My school has an awesome field that my dad and I sometimes play soccer at. It is walking distance from my house, so if someone is running late, then they have to walk, my brothers going to get in great shape!! Over all I really like my new school.

1 comment:

  1. Caelan,
    Sounds like a great adventure! Thanks for keeping us in touch and I will make sure our class is reading along. If you want to hope on moodle, we have a forum that we are responding to. Feel free to contribute.
    All the Best,
