Tuesday 23 October 2012


            Our hotel in tahitti was really nice, it was a 4 star hotel, and it came free with the flight!! It had a cool fish pond out front, a sand bottom pool, snorkleing in the ocean, and many more delights. We stayed for 3 nights in tahitti. Our first full day we went snorkleing, went to the market, and got a great dinner of crepes. The next day was very much the same. The third day on the other hand was very different, we toured around the whole island. It was really cool, we saw waterfalls, mareae, caves, whales, and much more. I think the coolest was the whales. We saw whales breaching out in the ocean, the main one was small, but we saw a huge one jump once, it was over probably 45 feet!!! The next morning we had to get up at 3:00 a.m to catch the plane!
So this is a brief summary of our stay in Tahitti. :)

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