Wednesday 24 October 2012

Arriving in New Zealand

 In New Zealand finally!!

Our flight to New  Zealand was a lot shorter than the Tahitti flight which was verging on nine, it was only about five. It was on the same plane as going to Tahitti and the plane had a TV, pillows, blankets, and other stuff. When we arrived I was in the middle so I couldn't see very well. Our plane was really big, an eight seat to a row so as you can imagine it was quite hard to see out the windows. Once we got out of the plane though I was surprised at how similar the climate was at the time! It was super windy though. We then had to find where the security was so we could get our bags. We had to throw away any fruits, vegetables, or other stuff like that or we would get fined something like $250, it was crazy! I think that they did this to keep un-indigenous plants out. Once we were out of security we walked in to the really busy part of the airport. We rented a car called a highlander which was nice, and set out for Whangamata. It was about a five hour drive but it was welcome not to be in an aeroplane seat.When we finally got there we unpacked our bags and explored! It has a hot tub, three rooms, (I get my own), one has two twin beds which my siblings get. It is a nice little place.

As you can see, the land is quite developed for farming purposes.

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