Thursday 25 October 2012

wellington (and side trips)

Wellington (and side trips.)

             After we arrived in Whangamata we un packed or stuff and got settled. We stayed the night but in the morning we got packed and headed out. We were going to wellington with some side trips. We stayed in turangi, otaki beach, wellington, lower hut, martin borough, Hastings, rotorua on this trip. We went to a lot of awesome places but in this entry I'm not going to go into to much detail. So any ways, we left whangamata and drove for about 5 or 6 hours to turangi where we stayed in a little house that was really cold for some reason. That night we kind of vegged and watched x-factor and a bunch of other shows that night. The next day we drove for about 3 hours to Otaki beach where we stayed in a "cabin complex" that had a fun little courtyard that my siblings and I played tag in. Later that evening we went to the beach which was really windy and rocky but we had a lot of fun. There was no one around for as far as the eye can see so we went kinda crazy in the wind. It was fun. The next morning we drove about 1 hour to wellington where my dad was having his orientation. We then went to our hotel, it was called the ibis hotel and it was nice. We stayed there for three days, while my dad went to his orientation, we went to the museums and stuff. We went to the city art gallery, the city and sea museum, and the Te Papa, they were all really cool but i think my favourite was the Te papa. It had a giant squid! As for meals, well, those were amazing. I had the best Indian food ever, I had great Chinese, but I did get sick after a Malaysian dinner at a kinda sketchy restaurant. For lunch we went to some delis that were good, good cafes and for breakfast we had cold cereal with yogurt. Once my dad was done with his orientation we went to the lower hut which is like 5 minutes away. That night we had some good fish and chips, and we stayed at a nice holiday park that night. In the morning we went to zealandia which is basically a big reserve. It was awesome! There were Takahe, Tuatara, kaka, Tui, and a lot of other awesome birds all over!! The next day we left and drove to martin borough where we stayed at a really nice place where we had a really nice dinner. The next day we drove to Hastings and stayed in a motor lodge and we went up to a cool hill and ran around. The next day we went to a couple of wineries around Napier where my parents tasted some wine. At the last on I forgot my jacket. We then drove to rotorua and went to a hangi that night. It was really interesting to learn about the Maori culture and see how they would live. The next day we drove home. This was  just a brief entry on my trip to wellington.

A Takahe, there are only 250 left in the world.

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