Tuesday 6 November 2012

Coramandel peninsula

The Coramandel

On the weekend after the first week of school they had a 4 day weekend. We decide to go to the coromandel peninsula. The coromandel peninsula is right above the bay of plenty, it is the part that juts out from the upper right hand corner. Whangamata (where we live) is right below it. We first drove to Thames where we went to the the market there. I was feeling really crummy. From there we drove directly to the corromandel. When we got there I was feeling really bad and unfortunately was sick the whole time. Once we got there my family decided to go on a walk, but I couldn't come. :( I was sick, that night they went on a train ride through a pottery garden. They said it was really cool, I had to miss out. That night I woke up at about 11:00 and went out into the kitchen to get a drink and see my dad watching soccer! So I stayed up and watched it with him, it was a great game and the manchester city won. The next day we went on a drive around the coromandel. I wasn't feeling to well but I was feeling better then the day before. But then they decided to go on a "short" hike and I ended up staying in the car for about 40-50 min just waiting for them to get back. As we were driving we saw a beautiful bird called the Rosella, they are in the parrot family. They had red heads and beautiful green body's, with a touch of blue on their tails. They were amazing! The next day we went home. On the way we stopped because we saw a bunch of wild pigs running around! We got out and the guy who live there showed us some stuff like how when you scratched their stomachs they rolled over! My parents got into a long conversation about bee's and stuff while we held the little piglets. The baby piglets were so cute! One was barely bigger than my hand! After about an hour there we finally left and drove about 10 minutes to a water fall where we went on a short walk. It was really pretty there and I enjoyed it because I was feeling quite a bit better. We then drove for a while to a town near home called hahei. It was awesome, there were awesome cliffs, islands, and best of all an awesome beach with a bunch of caves! I got in a couple of them. And that was what we did on our coromandel trip.

One of the cute little pigs

At the water fall

On our hike at the ocean

In one of the caves at the beach

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