Wednesday 19 December 2012

our trip up north part 1

Our trip up north part 1

Last week we left for the northern part of the north island. We stayed about 20-30 minutes away from whangarie in a town called nunguru. We stayed in a nice place that was right next to an estuary. The estuary was pretty and we went fishing there a couple times. It was about a 5 hour drive to whangarie, were we ate dinner at a really good place called the fat camel. It was a middle eastern restaurant and I got the camel kabob pita. The first full day we were there we went to sandy beach. That is one of my new favourite beaches. There was a stream running down the beach that we made sand castles by. Then we went boogie boarding for a while. I got the worst sand rash ever!!! Then i had lunch, then, went surfing for the first time!!!! It was awesome, it took me a while to get up the first time, but then it got easier, that was an awesome day, (besides the sand rash). The next day we went out into the estuary and paddled around a bit. After a while my dad came out and we paddled up into the mangroves. As we are paddling around my dad suddenly yells "STINGRAY!" Oscar and I were like, no way, and thought he was kidding. But then he herded it towards us, and it was coming right at us. We didn't see it until it was literally right below us! We followed it around a bit until it got cornered, it stuck its tail out of the water and shook it. It was pretty clear that it wanted us to leave. When we got back, my dad took my mom and sister out and Oscar and I got a snack. 

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